Monday, 10 December 2018

Meet list for 2019

A provisional meet list has been planned for the first half of 2019:

  • 29 December to 6 January - Wolkberg Search for Caves - Steven Tucker
  • 13 January – Wonderfontein – John Dickie
  • 9 February  - Armageddon - John Dickie
  • 7-8 March - Dragon's Breath and Harasib - John Dickie
  • 10 March - TBD - Gerrie Pretorius
  • 14 April - Nick's Cave - Gerrie Pretorius
  • 12 May - Wolf Cave - Gerrie Pretorius
  • 9 June - Stinkhole
  • 14 July - Apocalypse
  • 11 August - Chaos Cave
  • 8 September - Nico's II Cave

Other plans include:

  • Further exploration and survey of Stinkhole
  • Possible bolting in Mutiny Alley in Armageddon
  • Digging in Scrambler Cave

As always, there will be more trips, and they will be communicated once arranged.

If you are interested in joining the search for caves, please send me an email at


Monday, 3 December 2018

Matlotleng Cave - 9 December

Hello everyone,

On Sunday there will be a trip to Matlotleng Cave. The cave contains a large open chamber, with a blowing hole to be assessed. The cave is perfect for first time cavers.
If it is you first trip, please read the following:

For the adventurous few, there is River Passage Cave, a cave opened up by the Potch Potholers, which is one of the most beautiful and pristine caves in the Cradle. This will be for members only.

Meet at 08:30 at the Cradle Food Market (near Oak Tree, but Oak Tree is being renovated).
26°01'22.6"S 27°43'22.7"E

If you intend to join the trip message Steven at 072 298 9861.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Wolkberg Search for Caves

Hello everyone,

Irene Kruger and I are planning on hiking in the southern part of the Wolkberg Serala Wilderness Area around the 30th of December to the 5th of  January.

The intent is to search for new and unexplored caves in remote areas. Specifically the area highlighted below:

Exact plans are still very flexible.

If you are in any way interested send me a message at 072 298 9861.


Steven Tucker

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Sunday 11 November Caving - Nicks Cave

We are going back to Nick's cave to explore the long lost section of the cave, that we found the entrance for recently. The cave is very dusty, so a dust mask or buff is recommended. The cave have a short SRT, that can also be done with a ladder. we have very limited spots open for visitors on this trip. First come first serve! Let me know if you want to join and any gear requirements Gerrie 0784234261

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Armageddon Trip - 10 November 9AM

Hi everyone,

We are continuing the bolting in the back of Armageddon with the new club drill.
Please join us.
SRT proficient members only.
Expect a 10 hour trip.

RSVP John - 073 985 8068

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Trip to Stinkhole

Hi Everyone

After Sunday's trip with more passages found in Stinkhole we will be going back to explore further. There is a short SRT into the entrance. The mud is fun ;)

Saturday 20 October. 
Meet at the cave at 9. 

If you want to join this trip contact John 073 985 8068. 


Sunday, 2 September 2018

Septemeber Caving with SEC Caving club at Climbers Cave

For this month's monthly caving trip, the club will visit Climbers cave.
Visitors Welcome!
Al thought the cave is visitor friendly, it also lives up to its name,
So expects lots of climbs, and lost of fun!

Visitors can get day membership for R100.
Just let me know if you are coming, what gear you need (Hard hat or light)
My number is 0784234261

Braai afterwards, so bring meat and something to drink.

Meeting 9 o Clock at corner of N14 and R500 towards Venters Dorp

Hope to see you there!

Friday, 31 August 2018

SEC AGM 2018

Hi everyone,

The SEC AGM will be on the 13th of October at 15:00 at John and Selena's house.

The agenda is below.

Please let Dave Ingold know if you are attending. (

If you're not attending, please complete the proxy and send it to Dave.
SEC AGM 2018 Proxy

Suggested agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Speleological Exploration Club, 3.00p.m. Saturday, 13th  October, 2018 at Selena and John Dickie’s house.

Should you require any additional topics included in this agenda that may not fit into item 10 please contact Dave Ingold on 011 908 1890, 083 283 8849 or as soon as possible.

1.    Welcome to those present, list apologies and proxies.
2.    Minutes of last year’s AGM.
3.    Chairman’s report for 2017/2018.
4.    Treasurer’s report for 2017/2018.
5.    Auditor’s statement
6.    Stand-down of existing committee, election of temporary chairman.
7.    General issues:
  1. Membership additions and goodbyes, introductions.
  2. SASA, national body, other caving clubs, other interested bodies.
  3. GDARD and other possible legislation.
  4. Caves, trips, seminars and expeditions; 2018/2019 meet-list proposals.
  5. Equipment – status and requests.
  6. Administration: Website, YahooGroups, FaceBook, Bulletin and articles wanted, fees for the coming year, day membership, etc.
  7. End-of-Year party or social event.
  8. Election of office bearers for 2018/2019.
  9. Election of other members.
  10. Any Other Business.
  11. Meeting close.

Please advise me or any Committee member if you will be attending or not to aid catering etc. If you are a member PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND – it is YOUR club and we need YOUR input! Contact any of the committee if you need an address or directions. Please bring your own meat and drinks – braai, salads and bread will be available after the AGM.

Dave Ingold
Honorary Secretary.
27th August, 2018

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Jaws Cave - Sunday 8 July

The monthly caving trip, Sunday 8 July is at Jaws. It is a dig at an interesting blowing hole so all help will be appreciated. Bring a dust mask and goggles and your great attitude! 
Meet 9am at the farm gate just outside Carltonville. For more information contact John 0739858068

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Stinkhole - 30 June

Hello everyone,

We're organising a trip to Stinkhole. Some of us will be surveying the cave, whilst others are doing a trip through the cave, possibly with some digging as well.

The cave has a short abseil of about 15 meters, then a number of muddy climbs down into the lowest levels where the pretty things are.

Meet at the cave at 9. Possible braai after the trip.

If you want to join the trip, let John know. 073 985 8068.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Nico's II - 10 June

Hello everyone,

SEC is going to Nico's II, Sunday, 10 June.

This is a members only trip.

Meet at Oaktree Garage at 08:30.

Expect a long and dirty trip!

A high ground clearance car is needed to get to the cave, so if you don't have one, catch a lift from the garage.

Message Steven @ 072 298 9861 if you are planning on joining.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Friday Night Caving - Scrambler Cave 11 May 2018

This coming friday night 11 May  Sharron Reynolds is leading a trip to Scrambler Cave.

The Cave is semi-friendly to visitors, because it involves a lot of climbing.
So if heights is not your thing, or you are not comfortable with climbing, maybe sit this one out.

Sharron is limiting the group size to 10 because it is already late in the season, and we need to be sensitive to the bats that will start hibernating there for the winter.

If you want to join, reserve your spot with Sharron asap.
You can contact her on 082 553 5258
Meeting 7pm at Oak tree garage

Upcoming Caving trip to Nick's Cave

Club Caving Trip to "Nick's Cave"
For our usual 2nd Sunday of every month caving trip this month (13 May)
We will be going to Nick's Cave, or as it is was originally named: David's Cave.

The Cave has an extension, discovered many years ago, but the path leading to the extension is not known anymore, and we will yet again attempt to rediscover this extension with this trip.

The caving trip is open to visitors, BUT the entrance is a vertical pitch of more or less 10m.
We will set up a ladder with a belay for cavers that is not SRT proficient, Or otherwise, you can just abseil down if you have the necessary skills for that.
If you are a  joining us, please notify me if you want to join and if you need any equipment eg. helmet and or light.  (Gerrie Pretorius 0784234261)

The cave can be dusty, so a dust mask or buff is recommended.

The cave is situated near Koster, and we will be meeting at the Total Garage as you enter Koster on the left at 9am.
As usual, we will not be waiting for latecomers, so don't be late.

For directions and exact location for meeting place, check out this map:

Sunday, 22 April 2018

SASA Bulletin 2017 Issue 45

Hello everyone,

The CPSS have created a new bulletin all about their amazing exploration and survey work in the Greater Wynberg Cave System, which is now one of the largest caves in South Africa.

Well done CPSS!

To download the bulletin click on the link below:

Download SASA Bulletin 45 2017

For more SASA Bulletins, go to our Publications page:


Monday, 9 April 2018

Gobholo Caving - SWAZILAND - 18th to 21st May 2018

Hi all,

SEC will be assisting an overseas visitor on some analysis he would like to do in the Gobolo cave in Swaziland 18th to 21st May 2018.

Gobolo is an extremely interesting cave.

Flowstone, cave feature, Swaziland
The Ghobolo Cave system is predominantly granite rock – which is VERY unusual as granite does not typically form caves. For this reason typical cave features like stalactites are rare. This flow stone is one of the few features of this type so far discovered in this cave.

Kindly arrange your own accommodation for the weekend though I would suggest :Legends Backpacker Lodge
Address: #1 Mantenga Falls Drive, Ezulwini Valley

This will be a SELFCATERING trip - there is a big shopping centre (Checkers/woolworths) very close by where you will be able to purchase any necessary food items.

OSHOEK is probably the best border post to use.

Customs and immigration regulations must be complied with when entering and leaving Swaziland. Officially recognised border gates should be used when travelling between Swaziland and neighbouring countries unless travelling by air, in which case you enter by Matsapha Airport. All border posts between Swaziland and South Africa are open every day of the year at the following times. The Swaziland name is given first, followed by the name (in brackets) by which the border gate is known in South Africa:

Bulembu (Josefsdal)
Gege (Bothashoop)
Lavumisa (Golela)
Lundzi (Waverly)
Mahamba (Mahamba)
Mananga (Border Gate)
Matsamo (Jeppes Reef)
Ngwenya (Oshoek)
Salitje (Onverwacht)
Sandlane (Nerston)
Sicunusa (Houdkop)
08.00 - 16.00
08.00 - 16.00
08.00 - 22.00
08.00 - 16.00
07.00 - 22.00
07.00 - 18.00
07.00 - 20.00
07.00 - 22.00
08.00 - 16.00
08.00 - 18.00
08.00 - 18.00

Ngwenya/Oshoek is the busiest border gate and it becomes heavily congested at certain times, such as at long weekends or when there are special events such as concerts. Queues can take several hours to move and you might think of using an alternative gate at these times to avoid long delays.

From experience - Normal days border crossing will take 10 - 20min - Busy days this may take 30 - 45min

Please let me know if you are keen to join.


Sunday, 8 April 2018

SRT Training/practice session on Friday13 April

Dear cavers, we will be having an SRT training/practice session on Friday 13 Apr 4-7pm. Learn srt, change-overs, passing knots and re-belays. You can try the Mitchell rope walker system. We hope to see more of you at srt trips. Use this session to learn to make your own cow's tails and foot loops. Our club has 10mm rope for sale or bring your own. RSVP Selena 0834604828. Wors rolls on offer. Venue Tedderfield

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Chaos Cave - Sunday 8 April

Sunday caving 8 April Chaos Cave near Potchefstroom. 
Meet at Engen Carltonville 2 Annan Rd at 8am. 
SRT proficient members only. 
Rsvp John 073 985 8068

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Hi all! 
We will be visiting Hidden Cave on 11 March 2018. Visitors are welcome. Please contact Karin on 082 721 2277 before Friday, 9 March 2018 should you wish to join the trip  and if you need any equipment. The meeting point will be the Caltex Filling Station on the R500 in Carletonville at 09h00. Looking forward to see you there!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Armageddon & Stinkhole - 11 February

Hello everyone. 

On Sunday there is a trip to Armageddon and Stinkhole caves. 
SRT members only.
Meet at Armageddon at 9.
Let me know if you are joining and which cave you would like to do. Also let me know if you need any gear.

