Friday, 31 August 2018

SEC AGM 2018

Hi everyone,

The SEC AGM will be on the 13th of October at 15:00 at John and Selena's house.

The agenda is below.

Please let Dave Ingold know if you are attending. (

If you're not attending, please complete the proxy and send it to Dave.
SEC AGM 2018 Proxy

Suggested agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Speleological Exploration Club, 3.00p.m. Saturday, 13th  October, 2018 at Selena and John Dickie’s house.

Should you require any additional topics included in this agenda that may not fit into item 10 please contact Dave Ingold on 011 908 1890, 083 283 8849 or as soon as possible.

1.    Welcome to those present, list apologies and proxies.
2.    Minutes of last year’s AGM.
3.    Chairman’s report for 2017/2018.
4.    Treasurer’s report for 2017/2018.
5.    Auditor’s statement
6.    Stand-down of existing committee, election of temporary chairman.
7.    General issues:
  1. Membership additions and goodbyes, introductions.
  2. SASA, national body, other caving clubs, other interested bodies.
  3. GDARD and other possible legislation.
  4. Caves, trips, seminars and expeditions; 2018/2019 meet-list proposals.
  5. Equipment – status and requests.
  6. Administration: Website, YahooGroups, FaceBook, Bulletin and articles wanted, fees for the coming year, day membership, etc.
  7. End-of-Year party or social event.
  8. Election of office bearers for 2018/2019.
  9. Election of other members.
  10. Any Other Business.
  11. Meeting close.

Please advise me or any Committee member if you will be attending or not to aid catering etc. If you are a member PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND – it is YOUR club and we need YOUR input! Contact any of the committee if you need an address or directions. Please bring your own meat and drinks – braai, salads and bread will be available after the AGM.

Dave Ingold
Honorary Secretary.
27th August, 2018