Wednesday 20 September 2017

Luiperds Mine Survey - 30 September

Hello everyone,

The Vredefort area has some interesting large old gold mines and we're heading to one of them on the 30th of September to survey it.

Previously we mapped 460 meters of mine passages, but there are five vertical shafts into the cave and two shafts going down into lower levels which need to be explored and mapped.

There are also another 8 possible entrances to other mines which haven't been looked at all.

If you're keen on surveying or want to learn how, this is a perfect trip for you!

Meet at 09:00 at the Venterskroon Inn. -26.887915° & 27.267867°

Members only. Bring SRT gear.

No braai afterwards, but probably a drink or two at the inn.

Let me know if you are joining at 083 212 0817.



Wednesday 13 September 2017

SEC AGM 2017

The SEC AGM will be held on the 21st October 2017 at John & Selena's place.

Below is the suggested agenda for the AGM. 

SEC AGM Agenda

Below is a proxy to be completed if you cannot attend the AGM.


Monday 4 September 2017

Hidden Cave 10 September

Sunday 10 Sept caving at Hidden in Carltonville. Meet 9am at service station on R500 just north of Carltonville. Suitable for beginners, one squeeze and a ladder climb. Visitor fee R100. Please let Karin Human know if you are going. Braai after caving so bring something.