Sunday, 5 February 2023

Sinkhole Dig 11 February 2023

The next club trip coming up will be on the 11th of February at a property next to the Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve. Steven and Nadia from Specialist Technical Animal Rescue assisted the property owner with the rescue of a donkey and a duck out of a 6m deep sinkhole in December 2022 and in the process discovered a blowing hole worth checking out.

The plan is to meet in the Rhino & Lion parking lot at 9:00 on Saturday and then drive to the property together from there. We will rig a bipod and rope down into the sinkhole and start working on what seems like a fairly easy dig with good potential. The problem with these projects is that it might keep us busy for the whole day without reaching an end, or it might end after 30 minutes and there is no way to know beforehand which it might be. The amount of people who can partake in the digging at any given time is also limited so there will be a lot of sitting around and doing nothing! Please let me know if this sounds like something that might interest you and hopefully the day will result in a new discovery. If not then it will be a good rigging, digging and SRT training session!

The trip is open to anyone who is SRT proficient and the fee for non members is R100. Please bring a chair, enough water, snacks, sunblock as well as a rain jacket or umbrella as they are predicting rain.

We have to give registration numbers of all the cars going to the property so we will probably take as few cars in as we can. Please PM Dirk van Rooyen if you are interested.