Hi everyone,
Unfortunately the trip to NH3 could not be organized for this Sunday.
Instead we are going to Yomtov cave and possibly Rooikat and Mirkwood caves as well. Expect to get a bit wet in Yomtov. Even though it's wet and it's winter it's still a lot of fun and not too cold, promise!
The trip is open to visitors.
So meet at 08:30 at Oak Tree Garage - 26°02'07"S 27°44'18"E.
The trip will be about 3 or 4 hours and there will be a braai afterwards, so bring a chair, drinks and food.
I will bring a rope and harness if someone wants to play in the tree after the trip.
If it's your first caving trip, then go and have a look at:
Basically a R50 day membership fee for visitors.
Bring your own lights, and if you can't then bring 3 x AAA batteries.
Old long sleeve clothing and closed shoes are a must.
Bring a helmet if you can.
If you are joining the trip let me know, email and sms works better as I often don't have signal. Also let me know if you need any gear.
072 298 9861
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Monday, 8 June 2015
June long weekend caving trips
Hi everyone,
Lots of caving coming up this weekend and all trips are open to visitors!
See below for dates and times and who to contact to RSVP. Also let them know if you need any equipment.
Friday night caving, Westminster – 12 June, 7pm – Selena Dickie 083 460
Sunday caving, Scramblers – 14 June, 9am – John Dickie 073 985 8068
Monday night caving, Bats – 15 June, 7pm – Sharron Reynolds 082 553
Meet at Oaktree garage on N14 near Sterkfontein Cave.
Wear old comfortable clothes, best is one piece overall with sleeves.
A trip will typically be around 3 to 4 hours.
You need a hardhat and lights and a good pair of shoes.
If you need a hardhat and light, let the meetleader know, but bring 3 x AAA
R50 day membership fee.
Enjoy the weekend,
Friday, 5 June 2015
Meetlist 2015
Hi everyone,
Below is the meetlist for the rest of 2015.
These are planned trips and whilst the dates will most likely stay as planned, the caves visited can change based on whether access can be arranged.
Final details for trips will be posted closer to the relevant dates.
14th June: Scrambler cave – visitors welcome, John Dickie
15th June: Bat cave – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds
28th June: NH3 cave – members only, Andre Grove
12th July: Picnic Pot and Quartz cave– visitors welcome, Steven Tucker
7th – 9th August: Chaos and Crystal caves – SRT members only, John Dickie
24th – 27th September: Mbobo Mkhulu and other caves – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds
13th September: Nick’s cave – visitors if willing to SRT, Peter Kenyon
9th - 11th October: Charnel House and Dustbowl caves – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds
8th November: Apocalypse – members only, John Dickie
Below is the meetlist for the rest of 2015.
These are planned trips and whilst the dates will most likely stay as planned, the caves visited can change based on whether access can be arranged.
Final details for trips will be posted closer to the relevant dates.
Meetlist 2015
June: Rising Star cave – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds14th June: Scrambler cave – visitors welcome, John Dickie
15th June: Bat cave – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds
28th June: NH3 cave – members only, Andre Grove
12th July: Picnic Pot and Quartz cave– visitors welcome, Steven Tucker
7th – 9th August: Chaos and Crystal caves – SRT members only, John Dickie
24th – 27th September: Mbobo Mkhulu and other caves – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds
13th September: Nick’s cave – visitors if willing to SRT, Peter Kenyon
9th - 11th October: Charnel House and Dustbowl caves – visitors welcome, Sharron Reynolds
8th November: Apocalypse – members only, John Dickie
13th December: Armageddon – members only, John
Caving Gobholo, Swaziland 2 - 7 April 2015
fantastic caving weekend at Gobholo in Swaziland with cavers Steven, Sharron,
John, Selena, Terence, Elize; friends and ESSA members Leon, Iris, Andrew,
Gaelle, Frano and Salome. The cave is situated at the end of a lovely 3km
hike through plantation and indigenous forest. The first day was a recce
with cavers and Leon braving his way into a cave and owner of Swazi trails
Darren. The second day was an attempt at finding and surveying a new route
but the passages turned out to be marked already. The third day we found a
new route and surveyed it adding 220m to the existing map, pushing Gobholo up from the 9th to the 8th largest granite cave in the world and only a short bit behind 7th and 6th place. The fourth day
Steven, John and Selena returned to that route hoping to push it further after
rigging a rope ladder going down a tight squeeze but found that it came to an
end. Sharron, Leon and Gaelle spent a day exploring at ground level
looking for potential holes along the route the underground group had gone.
Caving at Gobholo is best described as “underground bouldering” and the
routes underground are a maze. The cave was the 9th longest granite cave
in the world, but after the additional section found this weekend, it is now the
8th longest. The good news is that there is still more to be
explored; we saw the potential but we ran out of time.
Thank you to everyone who came on this trip and made it a wonderful long
weekend of exploration and fun. Thank you Sharron for organising it and
the excellent catering.
Selena Dickie
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