
Caving Emergencies:
Below is a list with the contact details of the SEC committee. In the event of any caving related emergency please contact the persons on the list below, starting at the top of the list until you get in touch with a committee member. 
Download this list and print it. Keep a copy in your vehicle and give a copy to a non-caving family member. 
Emergency Contact List - 2023/2024

SASA Bulletins:
SEC has a long history of caving and along with the CPSS, CERAC and Potch Potholers have produced many bulletins and other publications about cave exploration in Southern Africa. 
For more info on to request access to any of these, contact the SEC committee.

Cave Library:
SEC has access to vast amounts of information on caving in South Africa which is currently stored in an online library. For enquiries about access to this library, please contact the SEC committee. 

Other very useful information on caving include:

Alpine Caving Techniques
C.N.S.A.S. Manual on Cave Rescue

Life on a Line

Cave Geology

Cave Minerals of the World

The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats

CDC - Histoplasmosis Fact Sheet

On Station

UIS Cave Mapping Grades

BCRA Cave Survey Grades

M Class Surveys and Cave Length